2.3 Major tectonic subdivisions
of the Himalaya
One of the
most striking aspects of the Himalayan orogen is the lateral continuity
of its major tectonic elements. Since Blanford & Medlicott, 1879 and
Heim & Gansser, 1939, the Himalaya is classically divided into four
tectonic units than can be followed for more than 2400 km along the belt
(Fig. 2.2 ).
In this work we will stick to these divisions but we introduce a slightly
different terminology suggested by Steck (oral comm.). The ancient or
frequently used terms are given within brackets.
1) The Subhimalaya
forms the foothills of the Himalayan Range and is essentially composed
of Miocene to Pleistocene molassic sediments derived from the erosion
of the Himalaya. These molasses known as Muree and Siwaliks
Formations are internally folded and imbricated. The Subhimalaya is thrust
along the Main Frontal Thrust over the quaternary alluvium deposited
by the rivers coming from the Himalaya (Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra...),
which demonstrates that the Himalaya is still a very active orogen.
2) The Lesser
Himalaya, LH is mainly formed by Upper Proterozoic to Lower Cenozoic
detrital sediments from the passive Indian margin intercalated with some
granites and acid volcanics (1840± 70 Ma, Frank et al., 1977). These
low-grade sediments are thrust over the Subhimalaya along the Main
Boundary Thrust (MBT). The Lesser Himalaya often appears in tectonic
windows (Kishtwar or Larji-Kulu-Rampur windows) within the High Himalaya
Crystalline Sequence.
3) The Central Himalayan
Domain, CHD (or High Himalaya) forms the backbone of the himalayan
orogen and encompasses the areas with the highest topographical relief.
It is commonly separated into four zones.
The High
Himalayan Crystalline Sequence, HHCS (approximately 30 different
names exist in the literature to describe this unit. The most frequently
found equivalents are Greater Himalayan Sequence, Tibetan Slab and High
Himalayan Crystalline) is a 30 km thick, medium- to high-grade metamorphic
sequence of metasedimentary rocks which are frequently intruded by granites
of Ordovician (~ 500 Ma) and Lower Miocene (~ 22 Ma) age. Although most
of the metasediments forming the HHCS are of Upper Proterozoic to Lower
Cambrian age, much younger metasediments can also be found in several
areas (Mesozoic in the Tandi syncline and Warwan region, Permian in
the Tschuldo slice, Ordovician to Carboniferous in the Sarchu Area).
It is now generally admitted that the metasediments of the HHCS represent
the metamorphic equivalent of the sedimentary series forming the base
of the overlying Tethys Himalaya. The HHCS forms a major nappe which
is thrust over the Lesser Himalaya along the Main Central Thrust
The Tethys
Himalaya, TH is an approximately 100 km large synclinorium formed
by strongly folded and imbricated, weakly metamorphosed sedimentary
series. Several nappes, termed North Himalayan Nappes (Steck et al.
1993) have also been evidenced within this unit. An almost complete
stratigraphic record ranging from the Upper Proterozoic to the Eocene
is preserved within the sediments of the TH. The stratigraphic analyses
of these sediments yields important indications on the geological history
of the northern margin of the Indian continent from its Gondwanian evolution
to its continental collision with Eurasia. The transition between the
generally low-grade sediments of the Tethys Himalaya and the underlying
low- to high-grade rocks of the High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence
is usually progressive. Yet, in many places along the Himalayan belt,
this transition zone is marked by a major extensional structure, the
Central Himalayan Detachment System (also known as South Tibetan
Detachment System or North Himalayan Normal Fault).
The NyimalingTso
Morari Metamorphic Dome, NTMD: In the Ladakh region, the Tethys
Himalaya synclinorium passes gradually to the north in a large dome
of greenschist to eclogitic metamorphic rocks. As with the HHCS, these
metamorphic rocks represent the metamorphic equivalent of the sediments
forming the base of the Tethys Himalaya. The Precambrian Phe Formation
is also here intruded by several Ordovician (~480 Ma; Girard and Bussy,
1998) granites.
The Lamayuru
and Markha Units, LMU are formed by flyschs and olistholiths deposited
in a turbiditic environment, on the northern part of the Indian continental
slope and in the adjoining Neotethys basin. The age of these sediments
ranges from Upper Permian to Eocene.
4) the Indus
Suture Zone, ISZ (or Indus-Yarlung-Tsangpo Suture Zone) defines the
zone of collision between the Indian Plate and the Ladakh Batholith (also
Transhimalaya or Karakoram-Lhasa Block) to the north. This suture zone
is formed by:
the Ophiolite
Melanges: which are composed of an intercalation of flyschs
and ophiolites from the Neotethys oceanic crust;
the Dras
Volcanics: which are relicts of an Upper Cretaceous to Upper
Jurassic volcanic island arc and consist of basalts, dacites, volcanoclastites,
pillow lavas and minor radiolarian cherts;
the Indus
Molasse: which is a continental clastic sequence (with rare
interbeds of marine saltwater sediments) comprising alluvial fan,
braided stream and fluvio-lacustrine sediments derived mainly from
the Ladakh batholith but also from the suture zone itself and the
Tethyan Himalaya. These molasses are post-collisional and thus Eocene
to post-Eocene.
The Indus
Suture Zone represents the northern limit of the Himalaya. Further
to the North is the so-called Transhimalaya, or more locally Ladakh
Batholith, which corresponds essentially to an active margin of
Andean type. Widespread volcanism in this arc was caused by the
melting of the mantle at the base of the Tibetan bloc, triggered
by the dehydration of the subducting Indian oceanic crust.

2.3: The studied
area as seen from space. This picture shows the contrast between
the HHCS, covered with snow, and the TH. The snow limit follows
the Zanskar Shear Zone, along the Doda, Lingti and Kurgiakh valleys.